Dijon Mustard vs Yellow Mustard – Similarities and Differences

Discover the similarities and differences – Dijon Mustard vs Yellow Mustard

Ketchup, mayo, and mustard are the three most popular sauces that are served with different food items. Mustard has a creamy texture and tangy taste and pairs well with hot dogs, burgers, and other fast food items. The fact that Americans consume 41.3 million pounds of mustard each year is a testament to its popularity.

Mustard is an all-encompassing term that is used for describing different variants of mustard sauces. All variants are made from ground mustard seeds; however, the difference lies in the type of mustard seeds used. There are three types of mustard seeds, i.e., yellow, brown, and white.

Dijon Mustard and Yellow Mustard are the two most commonly-used variants of mustard sauce. In this article, we will explore the basics of both these sauces, how they are made, and their differences and similarities.

Dijon Mustard – An Introduction

Dijon mustard gets its name from its place of origin, Dijon, a city located in France. It has a pale yellow appearance and a mildly creamy texture. Dijon mustard has a strong, tangy, and spicy flavor. Dijon mustard is made from a combination of brown mustard seeds and white wine. Verjuice is the star ingredient added to Dijon mustard which gives it its typical tangy flavor.

  • Dijon mustard has an interesting history. Culinary historians note that Dijon mustard was first formulated in 1336 and served at The French Royal Court to honor King Philip VI. Dijon mustard is essentially a French condiment and is different from American or German mustard sauces.

Dijon mustard has been around for centuries. However, in 1856, the original recipe underwent a significant change which altered the taste and texture of Dijon mustard. Jean Naigeon, a local resident of Dijon, replaced vinegar with verjuice. Verjuice is the acidic juice of unripened grapes.

  • Verjuice lends Dijon mustard its typical tangy flavor. The thick, spread-like consistency of Dijon mustard is also due to the presence of verjuice.

Uses of Dijon Mustard

While Dijon Mustard originated from France, it is loved across the entire globe. Dijon mustard has the following culinary uses:

  • Spread for sandwiches
  • For marination of chicken, beef. It can also be used as a rub for roasts.
  • When mixed with oil and vinegar, it can be used as a salad dressing because of its thinner consistency.
  • It can be added to cheese dip.
  • It can be combined with mayonnaise to make Dijonnaise, a delicious topping for sandwiches and burgers.

Yellow Mustard – An Introduction

  • dijon mustard vs yellow mustardYellow Mustard has a bright yellow color, which is significantly different from dijon mustard. It is made from yellow and white mustard seeds, which lend it its signature bright color. Sometimes Tumeric is also added to enhance the color of yellow mustard. To make this sauce, mustard seeds are first crushed, and then water, vinegar, and some spices are added to it and mixed thoroughly. This creates a thick paste like mustard sauce.

Yellow mustard is also called regular or American mustard. Compared to Dijon mustard, yellow mustard has a mild flavor and is less spicy. It can be combined with other sauces or ingredients such as mayonnaise or honey to create delicious spreads and toppings. Yellow mustard is a staple ingredient for multiple recipes which require a mild mustardy flavor.

Yellow Mustard has the following culinary uses:

  • To enhance the taste of potato and macaroni salads
  • It is served with deviled eggs
  • As a marinade for roast
  • Topping for deviled eggs
  • Used as a base ingredient for honey and spicy mustard
  • Used as a dip for pretzels
  • It can be added to soups to enhance their taste and consistency

Mike’s Amazing Dijon Mustard is made with a perfect blend of delightful spices, herbs, and the highest quality ingredients. To place your order, contact Mike’s Amazing brand. We manufacture multiple sauces, condiments, mayonnaise, and salad dressings. Call us at 201-596-3717 or visit us in Saddle Brook, New Jersey.

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